Rice Varieties​



Since the earheads are found with awn, it is important to take extra care while removing the grains. If there is excess mist during the milky stage the grains become chaffy. Therefore this variety gets its name due to its sticky nature. In Tamil Pisin means “Pasai” or paste which is used for sticking different materials.  The details of this variety is mentioned in the Tamil Lexicon.

Special Features

This variety is sown in the high lands and harvested in four months. It is also suitable for drought prone areas.

Nutritional Properties

It is very high in protein and magnesium (41.4mg/100g)

Therapeutic Properties

It helps to reduce hip pain and usually young girls are fed with this rice variety after attaining puberty. This helps to get rid of hip pain associated with menstruation and also to regulate menstrual cycle. It can also be given for a pain free delivery.

Suggested Dishes

The porridge has very good taste. It is highly suitable for making dosa, adai and flattened rice (aval).




It is normally cultivated during Samba (July 15 to January 14)


Color and Quality of Rice

The rice is red in colour which is bold and coarse.


Crop duration

130 days


Adopt this Rice

INR 15,000


Since the earheads are found with awn, it is important to take extra care while removing the grains. If there is excess mist during the milky stage the grains become chaffy. Therefore this variety gets its name due to its sticky nature. In Tamil Pisin means “Pasai” or paste which is used for sticking different materials.  The details of this variety is mentioned in the Tamil Lexicon.

Special Features

This variety is sown in the high lands and harvested in four months. It is also suitable for drought prone areas.

Nutritional Properties

It is very high in protein and magnesium (41.4mg/100g)

Therapeutic Properties

It helps to reduce hip pain and usually young girls are fed with this rice variety after attaining puberty. This helps to get rid of hip pain associated with menstruation and also to regulate menstrual cycle. It can also be given for a pain free delivery.

Suggested Dishes

The porridge has very good taste. It is highly suitable for making dosa, adai and flattened rice (aval).



Since the earheads are found with awn, it is important to take extra care while removing the grains. If there is excess mist during the milky stage the grains become chaffy. Therefore this variety gets its name due to its sticky nature. In Tamil Pisin means “Pasai” or paste which is used for sticking different materials.  The details of this variety is mentioned in the Tamil Lexicon.

Special Features

This variety is sown in the high lands and harvested in four months. It is also suitable for drought prone areas.

Nutritional Properties

It is very high in protein and magnesium (41.4mg/100g)

Therapeutic Properties

It helps to reduce hip pain and usually young girls are fed with this rice variety after attaining puberty. This helps to get rid of hip pain associated with menstruation and also to regulate menstrual cycle. It can also be given for a pain free delivery.

Suggested Dishes

The porridge has very good taste. It is highly suitable for making dosa, adai and flattened rice (aval).



In case you want to purchase Traditional rices for your own household use you can consider buying from Sempulam who is partnering with us.

Other Rice Varieties

Vellai Kuruvikaar

Anandanoor Sanna


Let's preserve our rice heritage, united in our efforts!​